Garfield Essentials

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Coming Soon... Garfield and Friends in 4k!

Since this image has been making its way around, it only made sense to address it here. Following a previous announcement all the way back in May 2016, it seems 9Story Media (who currently own Garfield and Friends' distribution rights) has followed through with their plans and remastered the entire series in 4K!

As of this post, no footage of the restoration has been officially released, so whether or not these use the US masters is up in the air. I did however stumble across a set of images on 9Story's distribution site which seem to confirm they've been cropped to create a false widescreen image. Real unfortunate decision, as the picture quality is far superior to the DVDs (although a bit over saturated).


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oh hey, I'm still here

... ah right, this blog.

Been over three years since I last wrote something here. Have to admit, I lost some interest for a good while, but some recent discoveries have made me want to revisit this place and possibly start things up again.

Eeeuugggh, just looking at the way I used to write here is a real headache. Whether I end up posting again after this or not, I can promise one thing... I won't sound like some snobby, Garfield-savvy know-it-all. At least not intentionally. 

There's too many updates to squeeze into one post, but it only makes sense to showcase my most recent discovery.

Behold on the left -- two more original U.S. Acres Quickie screens! The tape I got these on appears to be copied from an online source -- unfortunately I haven't been able to track down said source, so unless it shows up somewhere, this is probably the best quality we're going to get.

Nevertheless, I think we can all appreciate finally seeing the "Definitions" quickie gag in its original form.

Will there be more posts, or is this just a crazy one-off to tide you guys over until another three years pass by? We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose.