Garfield Essentials

Friday, September 27, 2019

Garfield Hits Boomerang

Garfield and Friends reruns have returned to Boomerang... albeit using the same cropped remasters as the app. There's not much noteworthy to discuss beyond that -- more U.S. Acres title cards are continuing to resurface in their original form, and Retrovision plastering continues to take place in light of non-extant master elements.

This particular instance seen below is unique. Delgado reports on Discord that when Show 49 ran today, the first 2/3 were remastered, but the final segment "Beddy Buy" got Retrovisioned. Real shame the master for this one has ceased to exist. Always was one of my favorite episodes.

On the flip side, it appears a long-standing title card mystery has been resolved. A copy of "The Farmyard Feline Philosopher" I obtained a few years ago suggested that the U.S. Acres characters were officially removed from their logo a second time, but I had no further originals to confirm it. Fast forward to a recent rerun of Show 120, and there's no trace whatsoever of Orson and the gang on "Newsworthy Wade"... (well, except for Wade himself obviously). Show 121's logo is still up in the air, but I think it's fair to assume for now that this change was permanent the second time around.

A lot of other things have been going on in the world of Garfield lately besides these Boomerang reruns. Season DVDs are coming out (with the remastered episodes), and Viacom has acquired Paws Inc. My motivation to keep the blog going has started dwindling again though, but maybe I've got another post in me to talk about this deal. We'll just have to see.

Screenshots courtesy of Delgado and Platypus Comix.