Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The REAL Correct Episode Guide: A Work in Progress

For a while, it seemed like this was the correct episode guide. Having come from show writer Mark Evanier itself, it seems like it'd be darn near perfect right?

Unfortunately, as it turns out, recent research shows that even this episode guide has some inaccuracies. At least 3 quickies are missing from the episode guide. Because I want this project to be as complete as it possibly can, I'll need to obtain CBS airings (preferably premieres) for every episode. And thus, the project is just a smidgen more ambitious than I had planned.

Nevertheless, I'm going to finish what I started and seek the aid of collectors and traders to help me track down what I need and add corrections to Mark's episode guide as I go through the series. As for what I need, I'm working on a list of my current collection holdings and what I'm missing which should be posted shortly.


  1. Hulu seems to be missing some Quickies that were part of the hour-long show. An incomplete list follows.

    18/19- Garfield: "Little House"
    22/23- Garfield: "Hungry"
    24/25- Garfield: "Human Relic"
    34/35- Screaming with Binky: "Ballerina"
    36/37- None are missing
    38/39- U.S. Acres: Mud
    40/41- None are missing
    42/43- Garfield: "Leftovers"

    1. Great finds! Thanks! Hulu's masters are identical to what's on the DVDs, so this helps a lot. I have the premieres for 4 of those, so I'll try and get my copies posted on YouTube soon! (along with the Screaming With Binky "Baseball" short which needs a working link)

  2. I've looked at a few more episodes.

    14/15- Garfield: "Asleep"
    16/17- None are missing?
    20/21- Garfield: "Wide Awake"
    28 & 29- Garfield: "Balloon", Screaming with Binky: "Mountains"
    30/31- Garfield: "Dresser Fun"
    32/33- U.S. Acres: "Too Fat", U.S. Acres: "Let's Play"[?]
    44/45- None are missing?

    It seems like U.S. Acres: Mud was later moved to episode 33. Maybe it's "Let's Play"?

    1. Thanks again for the help, Trader! I've gone through my DVD's and looked at Seasons 2 and 3. Should have a blog post detailing what is and isn't there shortly.
