Garfield Essentials

Friday, February 15, 2019

Volume 1 Memories

Found myself reminiscing about the day I first got the Volume 1 set, and thought the story was amusing enough to share.

I think I had just finished recording the syndication package (or was close to it) off of Toon Disney when I heard the announcement online. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

Mom happened to be home-schooling me at the time, and 3rd grade me was struggling to master my multiplication tables. Like, really struggling. I got heaping helpings of School House Rock and some educational album that put the equations to catchy tunes, but I still struggled with the higher up tables. I can't remember when the deal was made, but at some point Mom told me that if I memorized all of my multiplication tables, she would get me this DVD set.

Now I really wanted to memorize 'em. I was concentrating harder than ever, and I'll never forget the evening Mom finally sat me down in the family room and quizzed me.

"What's 9x7?" she asked.

"Uhh... 63!" I replied.

We went back and forth like this for what felt like an eternity until finally Mom decided, "Okay, wait here," and left the room, returning with a brand new copy of Garfield and Friends Volume One.

Yeah, I was pretty darn happy that day.

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